Capitalism and Society is an Open Access journal published by the Center on Capitalism and Society in close collaboration with SSRN. The journal publishes scholarly work on topics central to the mission of the Center whose length, subject matter, or approach would normally preclude publication in a standard journal. The journal seeks to provide a forum for discourse around ideas that may not yet be proven. Most papers published by the journal are accompanied by a letter of commentary provided by a selected reviewer, allowing them to “agree to disagree.”
The journal publishes on an invitation-only basis, and does not accept unsolicited submissions for consideration.
The mission of the journal is closely linked to the mission of the Center on Capitalism and Society. The Center was formed in 2002 to identify and study the workings of well-functioning modern economies, past and present: how these economies got their dynamism; how the projects to achieve innovations, in rendering existing knowledge insufficient, turned a growing number of jobs into obstacle-surmounting, problem-solving activities; how the uncertainties generated by innovative activity left asset prices more up in the air than they were in the mercantile era; and how the relatively high dynamism of a relatively modern economy impacts employment—in good jobs and not-so-good jobs. Now some observers have pointed to signs that modern economies have lost some of their dynamism—the western continental Europe’s economies after their 30 glorious years of “catch-up” were over and the U.S. economy after its internet boom was over. So the Center faces the question of what policy measures might best help these economies regain some of their loss in dynamism and what would be justification for such action or for inaction. Read more about the Center's mission here.